We are your local stop smoking service
Gloji | Smokefree City & Hackney is the local stop smoking service for adults and children (12+ years) who live, work, study or have a GP in Hackney or in the City of London. We offer 12 weeks of support to help you quit, with your own dedicated stop smoking advisor and easy access to stop smoking medication. You can choose to be supported over the phone or in person.
You can contact Smokefree City & Hackney by calling 0800 054 1190 or emailing cityandhackney@gloji.co.uk.
Having a cigarette does seem to have a calming effect. So, what’s going on?
Smoking is an addiction. When a smoker wants a cigarette it’s because their body is experiencing unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Smoking relieves the stress coming from the cravings.
Those first couple of puffs on a cigarette involve breathing deeply. Deep breathing is relaxing.
Having a cigarette break, a bit of ‘down-time’, a bit of ‘me time’ is sometimes the only real break that people take during the day.
The truth is that smoking does not relieve stress and anxiety. If smoking really relieved stress then smokers would be the most relaxed zen people ever! Quitting smoking actually helps people feel more positive about life.
Quit smoking, start saving
Smoking is a very expensive addiction. It might not seem that way when you buy a pack, but it adds up quickly. If you smoke 10 cigarettes a day, you could save up to £2k a year by quitting. Smoking can become a big part in your household spendings, contact us to start saving!
Champix (Varenicline) shortage
Champix is not currently available in the UK or Europe
Quitting can make improvements to your lifestyle and health in ways you might not expect.
Medications and nicotine replacement can double the chances of quitting smoking.